Personal Self Care

Individual Gatherings.

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Group Gathering Spaces for Personal Self Care.


Monthly Women’s Circle


Once a Month

on a Friday from 7:30 pm -9:00 pm EST


YOUR Gathering Space’s Women’s Circle is a Virtual LIVE Event. While our Circles take place in the comfort of your own home via Zoom, I devote time & attention to creating a soothing, welcoming atmosphere for our gathering in my home - as inspiration for you to do the same.


Our gatherings are immersive because of the physical space we create separately & together.


We are an inclusive gathering space promoting Anti-Agist, Anti-Racist, Anti-Sexist and Anti ALL ISM Practices. We do not tolerate bigotry or hate.


Each month we focus on a new theme. I select each the themes ahead of time & notify Members via a weekly email & on Mighty Networks. These emails serve to inspire you to make space for any thoughts, feelings or experiences you have related to that month’s theme.


“Doors open” at 7:15 pm EST for folks to come a bit early to chat, catch up & transition into the space. Our ending time is 9 pm EST.


A typical Women’s Circle:

*We begin with a brief breathing, grounding exercise or meditation.

*I offer a reading, journaling or art prompt that elicit’s that Month’s Theme.

*I shares briefly about what has prompted me to choose that particular Monthly Theme.

  • a personal experience,

  • something from the news cycle

  • an inspiration from arts & culture

  • perhaps a memory or an idea.

*Members express their own thoughts, feelings & experiences. We share stories related to the theme, if you so choose to share. And, we go where the group wants to go, so when folks are inspired to move off-topic, we go where the group wants to go.

*We close with another prompt, exercise, practice or reading.

*I lead a closing breathing, grounding meditation.

YGS Book Club

Wednesday, May 23rd 7 -9”30 pm

This month’s book is Table for Two by Armor Towels